Aisu Kurimu Toron

    Giga Crime Fighting Mecha Gelato-Bots: The Supreme Icecream-Tron Revolution 8,000,000. A top-down adventure game with three themes; mecha, anime and icecream. This project hopes to evolve with action/rpg/multiplayer elements like classic console games.

Current Tasks.
  • Learn more ASM and C/C++
  • Finalising header files.
  • Developing classes.
  • Basically creating and testing the main part of the program.
  • Creating graphics.
  • Learning SourceForge utilities.

Completed Tasks.
  • Base of header files for keyboard, video and mouse low level access.
  • Plan and design documentation.
  • PCX decoder.
  • Basic webpage.
  • Preliminary graphics.

Next Release.

    I have no idea what will be in the next release. Assume I will have learnt from the first very rough release.


    ICT 0.10 - The first and only release so far, this was what I handed in for my project, its not much, but I rushed it to a level of some functionality.

Webpage News.

    [11/07/2002] Found some time after about 6 months to try and work on this, but I'm pretty much still stuck in the same place. I am trying to finish the engine first, as I consider it the most important aspect, obviously there is no point making pretty graphics right now. I'm stuck with the assembly stuff, unlike all other programming I've done, I've found its very difficult to learn by example and up until recently I'd hadn't found any good resources. After starting university this year, I was happy to find a very large library and a very good assembly book, however, I go to the library on the last days of semester to borrow it for the holidays and... its gone. I've crashed my computer so many times playing assembly and making it flip a portion of an oversized virtual screen to actual video memory. I guess I don't understand memory allocation well enough. Anyway, I might write these functions as serverly slow ones in c and just get on with the project and come back to it at another time.

    [07/04/2002] Not sure if anyone is following this project, but its still going. I've just started a Computer Engineering degree at uni, so thats killing most of my time, however hopefully I'll learn a whole lot of useful programming stuff (I expect so in a computing degree) and maybe find some geeks to help. This project may seem vey ambitious, but its meant to be also a big learning thing for me and hopefully it will progress.

    [20/11/2001] School is over, so I have about 4 months, although it won't be dedicated to doing this, but I will work on it from time to time. I've revised some things and I'm going to learn assembly more than just what may be required, I'd like to have the function for flipping pages to allow scrolling, so I am going through a series of just producing tests and learning before I commit it to the project.

    [20/07/2001] This is just a basic webpage. When time permits it will get further developed (graphics, content and server-side scripting).

Future Features.
    This list will progress:
  • Network and internet play (as many players as possible).
  • Many and customisable enemies.
  • Map and other game editing utilities.
  • RPG elements.
  • Better graphics.

    These are really general features, more specifics will come into play once they become more viable. This is probably considered quite an ambitious first real project, but it is a learning process for myself.


    This is a cut-price manual for the first release:

Getting Started
Run itron.exe and thats it.


It's the year 8,000,000, the Giga Crime Fighting Mecha Gelato-Bot's newest recruit finds himself trying to saving the world piloting the new, untested Icecream-Tron, the world's last hope for survival


1. Play - starts a new game
2. Controls - inoperative
3. Help - inoperative
4. Quit - leaves the game


W = Up
X = Down
A = Left
D = Right
Space = Shoot
Escape = Quit

About the Developer(s).

    At present there is only one developer for this project. This project is initially for a high school assessment, afterwhich others may contribute.

Leo Chen, Contact e-mail:


Character for alpha version.

© Copyright July 2001, Leo Chen.

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